Call for Submissions: Blood Iris Anthology 2012
We are currently accepting short story submissions for the 2012 Blood Iris Anthology. Our books tread the line between horror and paranormal, so we love explicit violence, disturbing content, and other material you won't traditionally find in paranormal novels. If you've written something that will make readers flinch as much as they swoon, it might be a good fit for the Blood Iris Anthology!
- Length: Between 5,000 and 20,000 words.
- What we are looking for: Stories that are thematically appropriate for the Red Iris Books imprint as outlined above. We are seeking elements of urban fantasy and paranormal romance with a horror bent. Adult content is welcome.
- What we are not looking for: Horror or erotica. Please use common sense about sensitive or illegal subject matter.
- You may submit previously published stories if you hold all the rights. We require perpetual, non-exclusive rights to publish your story digitally and in print.
- Authors will be paid $0.002/word ($10-$40 depending on the length of the story) and one contributor copy of the printed anthology.
- Submissions close August 15th, 2012.
To submit, email with "BLOOD IRIS SUBMISSION" in the subject line and attach your story as a Word document (*.doc, *.docx, or *.rtf). Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.